
Revêtements biodégradables et recyclables pour emballages en alimentaires.

  • Recyclage

Niveau de maturité

  • Idéation
  • R&D
  • Minimum viable product
  • 1er client / 1ers utilisateurs
  • Commercialisation


Papkot delivers a fully biodegradable and fully recyclable coating to give paper the same packaging performance of plastic, without plastic. Our mission is to enhance the way people experience their groceries, their packaging and bring the packaging out of the stone age.

Re-engineering products to build a better, cleaner, healthier world.

We’re partnering with Nature to create never imagined products …starting with the cleanest paper technology to replace plastic.

We’re focused on a cooler planet. Replacing petrochemical-based products with superior ones made with minerals is how we’re taking on global warming from the inside out.

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Porteurs de projets

  • Manuel Milliery

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