
Surge développe des solutions innovantes de prédiction des complications post-opératoires.


  • HealthTech

Niveau de maturité

  • Idéation
  • R&D
  • Minimum viable product
  • 1er client / 1ers utilisateurs
  • Commercialisation


Surge personalizes the care of patients undergoing surgery by providing an accurate prediction of postoperative infections based on a single-cell immune system profile.

Our product predicts a patient’s risk of postoperative infections with far greater accuracy than existing clinical scales, supplying surgeons with the knowledge to guide their clinical decisions (e.g., pre-, intra-, and postoperative patient care optimization) and giving patients access to essential information about their own health.

We achieve high accuracy by using a patented AI algorithm capable of decoding the immune fingerprint obtained from a blood sample before surgery. This predictive test provides a reliable assessment of each individual’s risk of developing a postoperative infection.

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Porteurs de projets

  • Julien Hédou

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